Message from the president (3/25/22)
Hello WLA members,
I hope the winter is treating all of you well. It has been a reasonably mild winter here at the Pond.
Please do your best to process your WLA Annual Dues payment by April 1.
A few Points of interest:
1) The annual meeting will be held on 6/25/2022.
2) We have at least a couple of Buoys break free and float to some strange places on the lake. Once the ice is out we will be in
contact with Marine Patrol to put them back in place. I will notify the association when this is complete. Until this is
completed please keep it in mind for early season boating.
3) The secondary dam project was completed in fall. An outstanding effort that was kept under budget and was really well
thought out. The last part of this project will be to replace many of the primary dam boards as possible. We will keep
everyone posted on this.
Look forward to seeing everyone soon!