WLA Meeting Website Follow ups
Post date: Jun 29, 2019 9:46:53 PM
- The 2018 VLAP report is now available in the Resource Center under the VLAP - Water Testing section.
Also added are the following documents:
- VLAP how-to-read-your-report - This document describes what is in the reports and what it all means.
- VLAP Lake Information Mapper Instructions - This document describes the new State web based application that provides
water quality information about the many water bodies (lakes, rivers, streams, etc.) within New Hampshire. It also
show how to access and use the application. My note: this appears to be a new effort by the state and as such has a few
issues but do try it and comment back to them to help them improve this site. Click here to access this application.
-The Resource Center was updated to include the VLAP (Volunteer Lake Assessment Program) water test results that Jean mentioned at the meeting.
The link to the state's VLAP site is: https://www.des.nh.gov/organization/divisions/water/wmb/vlap/index.htm
- If you wish to receive an e-mail notification when the Announcements section of the WLA website is updated please e-mail me and include the e-mail address that you wish to receive the notice.
- Weather function updated using another provider.
- Subscribe to Washington's news e-mails that were mentioned at the annual meeting here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/subscriber