Ice Out - 2019
Post date: Apr 16, 2019 1:57:27 PM
Ice out happened late last week and the loons appeared as if by magic.
The dam boards went in this weekend.
Ice out dates:
2018 - April 28th
2017 - April 15th
2016 - March 13th
2015 - April 22nd
2014 - April 23rd ( or some day after this)
2013 - April 19th
2012 - March 21st
2011 - April 25th
2010 - April 8th
2009 - April 12th
2008 - April 23rd
2007 - April 27th
2006 - April 4th
2005 - April 18th
2004 - April 19th
2003 - April 24th
2002 - April 5th
2001 - May 1st
2000 - April 10th