Washington Lake Association Spring Update
Post date: Apr 30, 2020 3:33:20 PM
During these times of uncertainty I hope all of our lake community families are healthy and safe. At this point in time it appears that 2020 will be anything but normal. As the weather warms up please be advised that the town of Washington is currently requiring visiting non-residents and guests to quarantine in place for 14 days. The town website https://www.washingtonnh.org/ contains updated information and notices. The town also recently announced that a contract for the paving of Washington Drive was awarded. Information on a timeline will be forthcoming.
The association board of directors will meet this spring (remotely if necessary) to discuss association issues/budget and plan for events following all state and local requirements due to the pandemic. Additional information will be forthcoming with member packets to be sent out in early June. Should our annual meeting be canceled or postponed voting may occur by proxy.
I would like to thank those that have sent in their membership forms already and encourage those that have not to please do so soon. As of today we are currently at 60 paid memberships for 2020.
John Butcher
President WLA